Google 16th January 2014

Yeah, I'm still in my learning process in English by using my blogger account. It really help for me sometimes, because actually I love to writing about anything which descend in my mind.

Yeah, now I want to discuss about what Google commemorate with their logo in 16th January 2014.
I was browsing all about career when I accidentally found that logo commemorate of today by Google.
Firstly what I saw from that logo when I took attention was an illustration of Google letters with additional illustration such gorillas, a girl, and mountain. Like this:
Image credit: Google

Since I curious about what that Google commemorate, so I click that Google attractive logo and I found the logo referring to Dian Fossey. Who is Dian Fossey?

Yeah, I found  out about her and the fact that she is a zoologist who undertook an extensive study of gorilla groups over a period of 18 years. And what I read about her, that Fossey was murdered in 1985, and the case remains open. Today's her birdthday.

OMG, what's happened with her. 

image credit: wikipedia

Shortly about her life, she was born in San Francisco, California to George E. Fossey III, an insurance agent, and Kathryn "Kitty" Fossey, a fashion model. Wow, why doesn't she follow her mom's career as a model. Well, it wasn't my own or any other bussiness. It's about everyone self passion. Ok, sorry for my digress. Her parents divorded wen she was aged 6. Then her mother remarried the following year with Richard Price (RP), a bussinessman. I read it from wikipedia of course. And it wrote that Dian never treated well by her stepfather. He would not allow Dian to sit at the dining room table with him or her mother during dinner meals. well I couldn't resist myself to talk about it, he's too heartless! A man adhering to strict discipline, RP offered Dian little to not emotional support. Strugling with personal insecurity, Dian turned to animals as a way to gain acceptance. er love for animals began with her first pet goldfish and continued throughout her entire life. At age six, she began horse riding, earning a letter from her school; by her graduation in 1954, Fossey had established herself as an equestrienne.

mmm...about her death  that expected about murder motive, I couldn't publish here, you can read about it in here. Or even all about her that I didn't publish here.

Thank you for Google who always share everything
Thank you for reading :)

But still, I as Indonesian turn big condolence about her unnatural death.

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Es Krim Jagung Manis

dari YahooID
Kreasikan es krim untuk Si Kecil agar semakin bergizi dengan menggunakan bahan tambahan berupa jagung manis. Dicoba yuk Moms

Bahan :
• 150 gram jagung manis beku
• 100 ml susu segar cair
• 100 gram gula pasir
• 150 ml air
• 2 kuning telur
• ½ sdt vanilla extract
• 150 ml krim kocok segar (Whipping cream, thick cream)
• 50 gram butiran jagung manis beku, rebus, biarkan utuh

Cara membuat :
1. Campur 150 g jagung dengan susu, proses dengan blender atau food processor hingga halus. Rebus sambil aduk-aduk sampai mendidih.
2. inginkan pada suhu ruang, lalu pindahkan ke dalam lemari es supaya dingin.
3. Campur gula dan air dalam panci tebal untuk dibuat sirup. Rebus hingga mendidih, lalu kecilkan api sambil aduk selama 1 menit hingga mengental. Angkat dan dinginkan sampai hangat.
4. Taruh kuning telur dalam wadah tahan panas, kocok hingga mengembang dan kental di atas panci berisi air panas.
5. Perlahan, tuang sirup gula yang hangat ke dalam kuning telur, aduk rata.
6. Campurkan adonan jagung yang telah dingin.
7. Dalam wadah yang telah didinginkan, kocok krim dengan mixer berkecepatan sedang hingga kaku.
8. Tuang adonan jagung dengan pelahan ke dalam krim kocok. Kocok rata dengan mixer kecepatan rendah.
9. Membekukan: tuang adonan ke dalam container, bekukan dalam freezer hingga mengental.
10. Keluarkan, lalu haluskan dalam blender atau food processor. Masukkan jagung manis yang utuh, aduk (jangan diblender lagi).
11. Pindahkan ke dalam container, tutup dan bekukan hingga mengeras. Anda bisa mengulangi proses melembutkan dan membekukan beberapa kali agar es krim makin halus.

Sumber: YahooID

Lee Dong Wook

it's been almost two years I become Lee Dong Wook oppa's fan. Yeah, wasn't young age for me   became fangirl for him since 2011 until now of course. I was 21 years old that time. That's why I said i'm not in young age to be a Korean Actor's fan. lol
Lee Dong Wook in conscription press conference
ipc from:

First time i known Lee Dong Wook when my cousin (sister) who earlier than me likes all about korea, I mean she addicted to Korean Movie, Drama, and sometimes movie. And you know? She older 7 years than me, lol. She was informed top me that she has an actor idol, his name Lee Dong Wook. "eh? who's that?", i responded her cause I've never heard that name before. And she answer me, " OMG You never heard about that kind of hansome guy? Come On!". Of course we uses Indonesian actually for our conversation, because I'm from Indonesia. Yeah, i didn't know me. So my cousin suggest me to watch Wookie oppa current new drama, Wild Romance.

Yeah I accept my cousin suggest. and after I watched Wild Romance, I start to fell in love with him, I means ofcourse to Wookie Oppa.

And 'till now I couldn't stop for loving him as a fan eventhough he now got older ten years than me. I think he should be my young ahjussi with our age difference. lol
But I don't care, I'm still couldn't move on eventhough I know, become a fan of an actor, From Korea again, just waste my precious time for browsing all about him, especially his recent news. Hmm, I'm Lee Dong Wook big fan,,,

Oke, Now I'm watching his newest Drama, Mandate of Heaven, so I would continue my watching. I want to write about him next time.
See ya