Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts

My Room

In this post i want to show about this an that on my room. Not really neat, and not too messy. At least i keep my room neat, and stay away from dust or etc. I hope this will make you enjoy my blog  :D

1. My skincare and accessories drawer in one.

2. earth tone scarves

After folded


3. Collect all my light color t-shirt, mostly white. But ended up like this XD


4. Messy bed and drawer

wooden couch


5. actually this bathroom not related to my bedroom. But I want to show you my match stuff in blue:

all blue bathroom



Islamic Center, Lombok, NTB - 2017

Gempa tahun lalu di bulan Agustus 2018 di Pulau Lombok membuat sebagian bangunan pemukiman warga, perkantoran, dan bangunan umum mengalami kerusakan. Guncangannya memang cukup besar, dan itu nggak hanya terjadi sekali. Salah satu yang terkena dampak gempa dan bangunannya mengalami kerusakan adalah Islamic Center Mataram, NTB ini.

Nah, sebelum kejadian itu aku berkesempatan naik ke menara Islamic Center (IC) ini. Ngerti kan, menara yang biasa ada layanan naik ke atas dengan lift, dengan membeli karcis Rp5000. Seperti masjid-masjid besar di kota besar lainnya. Dari atas kita bisa melihat area sekitar IC yang lumayan luas jangkauannya. Dan aku berkesempatan mengabadikan beberapa jepretan pemandangan dari atas IC ini. Bagus banget, tapi karena aku amatiran, jadi dimaklumi saja jika kurang presisi atau kurang tinggi nilai estetikanya. Hee..
Please kindly check my snap down below:

1. pemandangan barat laut Kota Mataram dari atas Islamic Center

2. pemandangan sebelah barat Kota Mataram dari atas Islamic Center


3. pemandangan barat daya Kota Mataram dari atas Islamic Center

Islamic Center ala ala tiltshift

Kubah Islamic Center

6. menjelang golden hours. dari menaranya juga bisa kelihatan laut yang mengelilingi P Lombok bagian Barat, tenggara, dan barat laut.
Islamic Center in the afternoon

Halaman Islamic Center



Rainyday at my backyard

Its latest rainy day pic that I captured in 2018.
Selama gempa lombok kemarin beredar anggapan, bahwa jika hujan turun di suatu daerah yang terkena bencana (gempa bumi), itu pertanda bahwa bencana telah usai.

Btw, inisudah September dan aku baru posting tentang rainyday di awal 2018, ya maklum deh, bad habit yang suka kambuh ini (mager dan menunda-nunda menuangkan ide, kkk~) . Ini juga kebetulan lagi gabut dirumah waktu sedang musim hujan awal tahun, alhasil jeprat jepret deh. Dekor rumah 2018 kan lagi tren banget tuh katanya rumah dekor dengan tanaman hijau-hijauan gitu, yah walaupun dari dulu udah ada sih. Heheh.

1. White flower tree, just like jasmine flower, but I don't know right what is this fower called,

2. My backyard poured by rain

3. Halaman depan

4. Backyard view

5. my rainy yard, rather cold so I wore my sister UGM almamater jacket, XD

6. pink bud flower kayanya ini kuping gajah deh, wkwk gak tau namanya

7. pink bud flower 2

8. orchid aka anggrek

9. orchid zoomed in

10. Love sign feat rainy day

The Beautiful Sira Beach (Pantai Sire)

Last year I and family went to Lombok Utara (North Lombok) to accompany my little brother (cousin) got treatment (pergi ngurut) to Inaq Suna'ah who well known as tukang urut. Yeah, qadarullah adikku saat itu dapat musibah kecelakaan sepeda motor dan kakinya perlu ditreatment. Saat itu keluarga memilih pengobatan tradisional di Inaq Suna'ah. Antriannya sangat lama, Jadi mumpung berada di daerah Lombok Utara untuk menemani adik sepupu, beberapa diantara kami pergi ke pantai disekitar sana.

Ada sebuah pantai, namanya Pantai Sira (dibaca: Pantai Sire). Saat itu kami pergi pagi menjelang siang saat weekend. Pantainya cukup tenang, hanya ada beberapa pengunjungi selain keluarga kami. Dan pantainya seperti biasa, tipikal pantai di Lombok yang belum terlalu terjamah pengunjung, bersih, dan indah banget. Uniknya lagi ada beberapa berugaq (pondok kecil/bale-bale) di pinggir pantai yang disediakan untuk pengunjung dan dihiasi dengan pernak-pernik kerang buatan para penduduk sekitar sana, lalu ada pajangan unik rangkaian dari berbagai jenis kerang. So beautiful. Berikut penampakannya:
Sira Beach's fisherman handycraft from sea shells



Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia

I have a cactus plant from my aunt. It's Haworthia Limifolia is a species of flowering plant in the genus native to southern Africa and first described in 1910. I bred it, and now I have two. I didn't notice when the period of them flowering, All I know I can't help to capture them if its flowering. Here are some of them that I captured.
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 1
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 1 zoom in

Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 2
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 2 zoom in

Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 3
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 3 zoom in

Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 4
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 4 zoom in

Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 5
Cactus Flower - Haworthia Limifolia 5 zoom in

I Wish I could take good care of them forever :))

-amateur photography

Pacific Beach Cottege Hotel, Senggigi

Couple weeks ago there's a farewell party for 5 of staff in office where I worked. It held in Pacific Beach Cottege Hotel, Senggigi.
1. They have a pool inside, it is front of the good condition 2-floor room hotel. And also face to face with Senggigi Beach.
hotel and pool

 2. View of 2-floor hotel nearby the pool.
hotel and pool

Ok, it such an old hotel in Senggigi, but there little by little rebuilt in some spot.

Tanaman Anggrek ku

Mama ku punya tanaman anggrek aka orchid di rumah. Dan tugasku nyiramin doi terus tiap pagi. Ikut seneng kalau nih tanaman anggrek akhirnya berbunga. Ada hasilnya juga tiap hari siramin nih anggrek. Either my mom or me don't know the kind of our orchid. So, lets just generalize as 'orchid' only. Lol.
orchid aka anggrek

Cotton Candy Sky Lover Collection

I loved to capture sky view, especially in such cotton candy colour. It's mixture of blue, violet, pink, and orange. Almost every afternoon-to-evening I watched sky to looking for 'captureable' sky spot that show colours what I mention before. It's more dramatic if I could capture the moon in the frame.
So, these are some of my shots with canon EOS M10:
1. at my house we have such a rooftop to drying the laundry. It huge enough to capture sky view, and this is it.
cotton candy sky in April 2017
2. Sunrise and the rice field in between a village
morning sky

3. Not such a good shot, but I like the mountain and the sun collabs in this picture. Btw, I captured this pic on our way home after trip to the Middle Lombok. And  our car in a rush.
Sunset at Lombok Tengah

4. Super ordinary sky view, but, that's it.

August' 18 evening


to be continued

Holiday Resort Lombok

Last month, i attended my parent's office gathering. Its held in Holiday Resort. Actually I dont want to come, but my mom asks me to join, so I go with them, my parent and bro. And its not bad, I could get some free services from HR. Breakfast, and lunch in between nice environment surround the hotel area, and I could take some pics in some nice spots :p

If you want to know what its looks like, check pics down below :)
1. Blue sky and the coconut trees

blue sky from holiday petugas

2. deserts
sambosa, mini pizza, and coffee

3. tropical plants (flower)
tropical plants

4. Indonesian Cuisines

Indonesian Cuisines

holiday resort gallery front appearance

pool appareance

7. Giant Chess
the giant chess

8. Bean bag corner
bean bag corner

bean bag colors

bean bag spot in Holiday Resort

to be continued,
thanks for visit my blog :)