Supermoon on 2017 From Indonesia

On November, 03 I captured a supermoon moment from a house's backyard. Good to know that the house is nearby fields, so the view of the sky didn't blocked by houses or etc. Sadly my camera phone is not to expert, evenless to capture galaxy view. But, I keep trying to capture the moon in between the bougenville pants at that house. So, here it is, the supermoon that I captured:
supermoon in between bougenville
2017 Supermoon from Indonesia in between red bougenville tree.
Supermoon, galaxy, sky.

By the way, sopermoon is a full moon or a new moon that approximately coincides with the closest distance that the moon reaches to Earth in its elliptic orbit. Resulting in a slightly larger than usual apparent size of the lunar disk as seen from Earth. (Wikipedia)

The most recent supermoon occurence was on 2 January 2018. But I missed it.

Stranger Things Series Season 2

Stranger things is one of my favorite serial. It bring me to childhood memory when I see Will and the gang fight against the upside down things, they called it as demogorgon. Thrill and entertain me at the same time.

Here is my favorite scenes which I captured from the frame. Cekidot
stranger things season 2
Stranger Things Season 2 squad

Stranger things season 2 merupakan lanjutan Stranger Things season I (tentunya!) yang melawan kembali makhluk asing dari upside down, demogorgon, yang ternyata belum lenyap sepenuhnya dari muka bumi. Demogorgon bahkan memiliki semacam anak buah yang mereka sebut demodog yang menjadi mata-mata di dunia manusia. Disinilah struggle mereka kembali di uji, dengan tim yang bertambah, namun juga lebih menegangkan. Ada juga nyawa yang kembali dikorbankan seperti halnya Barb di season I.