We value your opinion

We value your opinion and want to know what we’re doing right.
Arti value di sini adalah menghargai.

Jadi, arti keseluruhannya adalah:
kami menghargai pendapat anda dan ingin tahu apa yang kami lakukan benar.


My mom always tried to positive thinking about all things in her life.  And i wish i could follow her manner :)

Patung Merlion

baru tahu kalau nama patung yang jadi maskot Singapur itu adalah Patung Merlion.

i'd just known that a lion statue that famous from Singapore named Merlion Statue. Really tacky human of me..how come i'd just known this day...

thank's for TS from kaskus, cause from read his thread i know that fact,,
this is the link:
and read the earth hour in Singapore