Elaq-elaq, Sasak Traditional chip snack

Suatu hari aku dibawakan penganan ringan tradisional oleh seorang teman kantor ku, namanya Mba FaizSaat ditawari untuk mencicipinya aku pikir rasanya akan standar dan paling tidak rasanya manis, karena kulihat ada sepuhan gula halus pada permukaannya. Wujudnya sangat unikterlihat seperti adonan yang disusun berlapis-lapis seperti membuat pastry layer. Setelah kucicipi ternyata rasanya enak dan membuatku ketagihan. Ku makan lagi dan lagi. Hehehe

HmmRasanya itu sangat gurih dan renyah. Mba Faiz lalu memberitahuku nama penganan ini ternyata adalah 'elaq-elaq'. Berbahan dasar tepung beras ketan putih dan santan kelapa. Lalu setelah digoreng renyah, disepuh dengan gula putih halusnya juga. Aduh enak banget pokoknya. Berikut penampakan seadanya dari elaq-elaq yang legendaris tersebut:

elaq elaq chip

Taman Pelangi Yogyakarta 2014

My trip on last November 2014
it was fun..
At there I met my highschool friend, Sunar who studying for her magister in Teknologi Pembelajaran department. I met my sisters too, Nur and Ami who studying for magister too.
pic1. I dunno y I captured this short stair. FYI, that's a public internet service stairs.

pic2. These are takoyaki pieces, the streetfood that we ate when trip.
Yogyakarta Streetfood, Takoyaki

pic3. me and my cousin, Nur. But I usually call her komeng, bcoz her voice sounds like the comedian Komeng. Yeah my sister, Ami couldn't make it with us, cause so many task to do for her college life.

pic4. we ordered beefsteak for dinner that time. FYI the resto owner is the famous Ustadz Yusuf Mansur, and the foods yummy. There more than 30menus we could choose at there, CMIIW. Thats why that resto so crowds.
Waroeng Steak Yogya

pic5.sorry for the pose and the noise pic and the weirdo in this pics. But I like the shop behind me. Unfortunatelly the shop was closed when I came there. Taman Pelangi

pic6. After dinner we visit a city park, then we took alot lot and lot photo there. so nuts..hehehe
Taman Pelangi with bestfriend

Taman Pelangi 2

Taman Pelangi3

Taman Pelangi3 -carousel

Taman Pelangi4

Taman Pelangi5

Taman Pelangi6

Taman Pelangi7